Our beloved SON ” KANISHKA BINAYAK SAHA” & His beloved Father: Krishna Kanta Saha
My All Family Members & Oxalosis Hyperoxaluria Foundation.
Feeling for Healing
Ph Global summit was-
Feeling for healing, the unbearable pain.
Ph Global summit was-
Feeling for healing, much information to gain.
Ph Global summit was-
Feeling for healing, and we met each other
The PH fighters are the real warriors.
We share our son Kaishka’s story,
That makes us happy and life gets glory.
We share our opinions and views,
That brings a piece of great news.
We create a new Community Group,
None other than the PH group.
Ph Global Summit presented us with a family,
Who sends us blessings of heavenly.
Kim Hollander and Julie Bertarelli
You are our Dear, even though you are far,
But we feel like you are always near.
Thanks to the Oxalosis & Hyperoxaluria Foundation
For providing this wonderful Scope.
To present the Kanishka Binayak Memorial Foundation
Which is our life’s only Hope.